These meetings are normally held at 6 pm on a Saturday night at the Port of Everett Blue Heron Room, 1205 Craftsman Way, Suite 200, Everett, WA 98201. The room is upstairs in the same building as the Scuttlebutt's Restaurant.
Meetings are casual and we always have a potluck dinner before getting down to business. Each person/couple is asked to bring a dish to share. You should also bring your own dinner plate, bowl, utensils, napkins and your beverage of choice (adult beverages are fine). There is a kitchen in the club building with basic serving utensils, a stove, and a fridge. If you plan to use, please make sure to wash and replace everything before leaving. Paper and cleaning products are not typically provided.
After dinner, the Board will lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance and then we will get down to business led by our Commodore. All members are encouraged to participate and feel free to ask questions or make comments.
The business portion of the meeting includes things like setting the cruise schedule and recruiting cruise captains, setting up committees, voting on new board members, approving budgets and any other general business.
After the meeting is adjourned, everyone helps to put away the tables and chairs and clean up after ourselves. Some months include a themed party such as our annual costume Halloween party in October. All club member birthdays are celebrated during the February meeting, with White Elephant gift exchange. Any special party or theme will be announced on the website.